Monday 13 February 2012


THINK as if your every thought is etched in fire across the sky for all to see
         For so in truth it is...
SPEAK as if the entire world were but a single ear intent upon hearing what you say
         For so in truth it is...
DO as if your every deed were to recoil upon your head
        For so in truth it is...

Awareness of what we are putting out onto the planet and also a knowledge that everything is connected – and whatever we do touches everything else, because all is vibration.

Each one of us affects the Universe with our thoughts, words and deeds, simultaneously affecting our own lives as we reap that which we have sown – eating the fruit of the seeds we ourselves have planted.

The moment we Think of something the ripple starts and from thought follows words then action. These flow into the Universe and because we thought it, said it and did it, we attract it back to ourselves – cause and effect.

The only Free Will we can ever have is to be innately, tremendously Aware of our every Thought, Word and Deed so that we send out those ripples which will benefit the Universe and bring back to us that which is best for us – to sow what we most want to reap!

Awareness gifts us the ability to spend our lives giving out love and caring, understanding and happiness in all we think and do – and so fill our own world with immense beauty.

It starts within - BE the change you wish to See in the World!


Love, light & Peace always...

Sharon Ryan
Master Life Coach

Love is not an emotion – it is a state of Being, without a reason, depending on nothing.

Love is a catalyst, an act of touching the edge of God’s garden – it is the gate that draws you in. It opens the inner temple within the Being – without a reason. Love is a transformation in YOU – it has nothing to do with another.

It is the final stage of merging with the Divine. It may be through another but not because of another.

That wave of energy is not physical but because of the physical we cling to it and shrink it.

If you have touched the wavelength of the Divine, your Love will be only wanting happiness for the Beloved.

For no reason you act out your life in total commitment to the beloved, never failing, never lying, never cheating, living in and through truth; giving joyfully, expecting nothing, demanding nothing, living totally.

True love takes you into the Divinity that you are.

Living becomes Loving. If the beloved turns away, you understand that love has not yet touched the heart. And in understanding, your love grows, moving from one to all.

Love dawns not until the heart breaks in two – shatters completely. In that experience one either goes deeper into the ego or moves closer to the Divine.

Loving has no reason. Loving can never hurt another. Who then knows or experiences love?

Only one who surrenders to its fire can emerge with any understanding, in a small way, for what it is. It is a force that takes one and binds you in order that through suffering you will be set free!

Light, Love & Peace always...

Sharon Ryan
Master Life Coach