Monday 9 January 2012


We're not the Lords of this Earth
We're it's Children
Earth's creation, tailor-made to suit our needs
Every detail lovingly designed to ensure our survival and happiness
We lie in the lap of it's Creation
In the strong arms of a Spirit greater than our own
Like babes in the arms of a Loving Mother.

Then we outgrow those loving arms
Develop ego and turn against the very Spirit that nurtures us
Destroying the very essence of our survival and happiness
Turning it all into a money-making racket
Not acknowledging that money made from such thoughtless destruction
Is not worth the price we'll have to pay
For the desolate legacy left behind for future generations.

We are delusional in thinking that the Earth will continue renewing itself
For as much as it has the Power to do so
The Spirit which is Mother Earth demands that we too realise our own Power
The Power of Choice
And right now our Choice is DESTRUCTION!
We're ALL responsible
Because we know it's happening
Yet what are we doing about it?

If We can say that there are some things which are NOT FOR SALE
That there are some things that belong to all of us and to Future Generations
Then maybe other people will hear us and begin to say it too
And someday there'll be enough of us
And we'll Believe that it can be done
That we Can Change The World...
When better to start than TODAY!

The onus lies on each individual to take responsibility for their birthright
To start within their homes, their gardens, their communities...
To educate themselves and their kin
To go back to living in harmony with Nature
To sacrifice convenience in order to SAVE what's left of that birthright
Not only in order that we HAVE a Legacy to leave to future generations
But that we educate those generations to better take care of their birthright than those before them
Ultimately, to LEAD BY EXAMPLE...

It is our responsibility to encourage our Children to become leaders in this revolution
So they grow up in a Culture of Preservation
Understanding that their daily choices impact this living world
That Peace and Harmony can only exist living within Nature
Be not ashamed to share the details of our mistakes with your Children
So that they may learn from them and not repeat them
We were led astray for lack of knowing better
We took not the time to examine the Cost to Nature of our conveniences
We instead revelled in the 'modern living era'
But now we KNOW...

We're not the Lords of this Earth
We're it's Children
Earth's creation, tailor-made to suit our needs
Every detail lovingly designed to ensure our survival and happiness
We lie in the lap of it's Creation
In the strong arms of a Spirit greater than our own
Like babes in the arms of a Loving Mother.

Note: Parts of this Poem were words uttered during a speech in the 1930's by Archie Bellany in the movie Grey Owl by Sir Richard Attenborough.  1930's??? Archie was certainly a Man way ahead of his time...he foresaw Humankinds massive destruction of our natural resources for personal gain - GREED - plain and simple! 



I am not a child of Circumstance
I am the Architect of my own Destiny
Fuelled by Hope, Faith and Trust
Builder of Dreams
Driven by Purpose
Alive with Possibility
Unlimited in Capability
Eternally Grateful
Abundantly Blessed
Powerful beyond Measure
Unaware of my Treasure.

Journeying into the Past
Discovering my Roots
Treasuring that which Encouraged
Letting Go of that which Discouraged
Appreciating Good Intentions
Understanding past Limitations
Forgiving ignorance and cruelty
Embracing only Beauty
Illuminated brightly
By seeing past things unsightly
On the wings of Love
Soaring high Above

Now seeing where I've been
In a bad Dream
Stuck in the Dark
Searching for a Spark
When through Self-Belief
Emerged immense Relief
And tremendous Gratitude
For such great Fortitude
Hidden deep Inside
Only now Realised
To bear and Overcome
What I thought couldn't be undone.

An opportunity to Rebuild
A whole new World
For a once broken Soul
Now completely Whole
Ready to venture Forward
Without much thought for Reward
To share with All
A loving Call
To venture beyond the Hide
And unmask all that's Inside
However much Pain
There is so much more to Gain
For when suddenly you see a Silver Lining
Know that IS your light Shining.
Acknowledge your Conditioning
Address your State
Change your Behaviour
Tailor your Results
Live your Purpose
Be the Architect of your OWN DESTINY!


Conditioning > State > Behaviour > Results

Ah...Behaviour - the benchmark that society uses to judge each other! Yet on deeper understanding of the influence of Conditioning and State, Behaviour simply illuminates what lies beneath! A 'dark' balloon (behaviour) tied to a string (choices/decisions) anchored by a rock (state/emotions) in the depths of  childhood (conditioning). Thus any negative Behaviour - addiction, depression, criminal, abusive... - is simply a sympton of a deeper lying Emotional State. Acknowledging and addressing the Emotional State (letting go of all negative emotions and beliefs) releases the anchoring rock which in turn changes Behaviour. What shade of 'dark' is your balloon? Can you see that shade hanging over and repeating itself in the Results in your life?



Conditioning > State > Behaviour > Results

Previously discussed - How Conditioning influences you were reading about Conditioning, were you aware of your emotional response to memories of your upbringing? Has it dawned on you yet that the basis of Conditioning is Emotional Response? It is the Emotional Response to Conditioning during early development that is responsible for our State of being. Hence our Emotional State dictates our every response to Life's trials and tribulations...take a moment to think about this statement...whether Conditioning was predominantly negative or positive, it created the type of emotionally responsive Person you are today.  

Considering the current Results in your life, can you see the connection? Acknowledging your Emotional State and the roots of the Emotions attached thereto, no matter how painful, is the first step to the Results YOU desire in your life. Life Coaching is a priceless tool that guides one through the process of 'letting go' of all negative emotions and beliefs. NOT the memories, only the emotions linked to them.  Once a memory is devoid of emotion, what effect can it have you? All the memory becomes is a valuable resource from your past...more about that later...

Conditioning is a part of life where we were powerless, however, the Power we do possess NOW - is over our STATE! A balanced Emotional State...oh the possibilities...Imagine your life's Results if all your decisions emanated from a balanced State? Less stress, trauma, insecurity...more confidence, healthier relationships, success...Our State influences our choices/decisions, hence Behaviour which creates our Results!

In the entire mantra of 'Conditioning > State > Behaviour > Results', State is the most important element of our being - where We get to exercise our Power of Choice over how we Want to Feel! Exercising Personal Power requires Great Courage, for the journey to Reward is always a Learning Curve - often painful, yet totally liberating! 

Thursday 5 January 2012

THE HOUR GLASS - a perfect symbol for the path of life...

Self Help Actualizes Realistic Outcomes Now = Life Coaching = Reach Your Apex Now


Consider the following...Conditioning > State > Behaviour > Results. Consider your own life's Results. Now consider what Behaviour led to such Results...what emotional State you were in to cause such Behaviour leading to those results...what created/caused the emotional State that led to the Behaviour that created your current Results.  At the root of all of this introspection lies our Conditioning! The Hour Glass is a perfectly apt symbol for 'all the days of our lives'...beginning at the base...your birth...
                                                                     \              /
                                                                       \          /
                                                                         \      /
                                                                          |    |
                                                                          |    |       
                                                                          |    |
                                                                         /     \       }
                                                                       /         \     }  Conditioning
                                                                     /             \   }

Conditioning is influenced by Parents and Family, Upbringing, Environment, School, Peers...everyone and everything that contributed to your early development. We're all born with limitless capabilities and endless possibilities (the width at the base)...then we're 'brought up' (hence the narrowing upwards) within religions, moral and ethical beliefs, (to the best of any Parent's knowledge)...then...Parent's personal and societal restrictions and beliefs, negativity (unstable homes, abuse, neglect...) or positivity (love, praise, encouragement, stable home, loving families...) start influencing our 'upbringing' (either narrowing or widening our scope of capabilities and possibilities) young adults, we reach the Middle of the Hour Glass and enter the rat race!  Our minds already CONDITIONED, shaped by our positive or negative upbringing...our thought patterns stemming from the foundation of our Conditioning! Our State dictated by our emotional Conditioning... State influences one's Results...


To My Darling Son Shamith...Heartiest of congratulations on matriculating with such good results. Know always that I'm forever proud of you for WHO YOU ARE FROM WITHIN...your external achievements are simply reward for your efforts.  Life is but a business - a profit and loss statement, what you put in is what you'll get out.  Endeavour to always remain true to yourself, shine with goodness from within and you will attract all that you desire in this life.  Remember, Selfish = Riches (external and easily lost)...Selfless = Wealth (internal and everlasting). I never need a reason to be Proud of you...I just always am...I LOVE YOU:-))  Mom     

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Out of the keenest longing, comes fulfilment of the object of your longing. Every moment of your life should be spent in yearning for enlightenment.

If we look into the word 'longing' it becomes electrifying and rather alarming. 'Longing' means that your mind has become hooked onto something or someone, in either a positive or negative way. A long thought - held in suspension. You are concious of it all the time. Simply turn your attention within, for a moment, and examine your present 'longing'. In that 'longing' state of mind, you are actually in the process of building your future - you are the Architect! We are not creatures of circumstance - we are creatures of our Own Architecture.

So today, sit quietly and take a long hard look at the thoughts that dominate your mind and time, and know that you are fuelling them to life, both negative and positive. It could be fear of losing your partner or job, fear of illness or judgement, presumption of infedility or disloyalty. It could also be something quite wonderful...

Turn within, look hard and deep - find what thoughts dominate your thinking - become aware of your thought patterns and tie them back to your current 'circumstances'. You are the Architect of your own drop all your illusions, turn your thoughts to the light of positivity within and bring to life your DREAMS!

LOL :-))

HAPPY NEW YEAR - may these words inspire you all year though...

At the dawning of this New Year
I place my head at the feet of  all those
who have given me love
and helped me to experience life
in the valley and the peak.

May I never forget for one minute
that without the Beloved Presence
I am nothing.
May I be constantly aware
that within is the Light of Lights,
to share with all.
I bow to that great White Light
within and without.

May Peace and Truth walk beside me,
Gentleness and Caring go before me,
Understanding and Awareness be
within the heart at all times.

And may the conciousness of the
Presence of Silence,
protecting and guiding every thought,
word and deed,
be with me always.