Monday 9 January 2012


We're not the Lords of this Earth
We're it's Children
Earth's creation, tailor-made to suit our needs
Every detail lovingly designed to ensure our survival and happiness
We lie in the lap of it's Creation
In the strong arms of a Spirit greater than our own
Like babes in the arms of a Loving Mother.

Then we outgrow those loving arms
Develop ego and turn against the very Spirit that nurtures us
Destroying the very essence of our survival and happiness
Turning it all into a money-making racket
Not acknowledging that money made from such thoughtless destruction
Is not worth the price we'll have to pay
For the desolate legacy left behind for future generations.

We are delusional in thinking that the Earth will continue renewing itself
For as much as it has the Power to do so
The Spirit which is Mother Earth demands that we too realise our own Power
The Power of Choice
And right now our Choice is DESTRUCTION!
We're ALL responsible
Because we know it's happening
Yet what are we doing about it?

If We can say that there are some things which are NOT FOR SALE
That there are some things that belong to all of us and to Future Generations
Then maybe other people will hear us and begin to say it too
And someday there'll be enough of us
And we'll Believe that it can be done
That we Can Change The World...
When better to start than TODAY!

The onus lies on each individual to take responsibility for their birthright
To start within their homes, their gardens, their communities...
To educate themselves and their kin
To go back to living in harmony with Nature
To sacrifice convenience in order to SAVE what's left of that birthright
Not only in order that we HAVE a Legacy to leave to future generations
But that we educate those generations to better take care of their birthright than those before them
Ultimately, to LEAD BY EXAMPLE...

It is our responsibility to encourage our Children to become leaders in this revolution
So they grow up in a Culture of Preservation
Understanding that their daily choices impact this living world
That Peace and Harmony can only exist living within Nature
Be not ashamed to share the details of our mistakes with your Children
So that they may learn from them and not repeat them
We were led astray for lack of knowing better
We took not the time to examine the Cost to Nature of our conveniences
We instead revelled in the 'modern living era'
But now we KNOW...

We're not the Lords of this Earth
We're it's Children
Earth's creation, tailor-made to suit our needs
Every detail lovingly designed to ensure our survival and happiness
We lie in the lap of it's Creation
In the strong arms of a Spirit greater than our own
Like babes in the arms of a Loving Mother.

Note: Parts of this Poem were words uttered during a speech in the 1930's by Archie Bellany in the movie Grey Owl by Sir Richard Attenborough.  1930's??? Archie was certainly a Man way ahead of his time...he foresaw Humankinds massive destruction of our natural resources for personal gain - GREED - plain and simple! 


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